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What Are the Problems Associated With Statement Printing and Mailing?

For banks, insurance providers, and other financial institutions, transactional documents like bank account statements, credit card bills, policy updates, collection notices and other correspondence are a part of their daily operations. These documents need to be printed and mailed on time, without errors.

With the help of transactional printing solutions, these documents can be mailed quickly and securely, with the help of state-of-the-art technology and equipment. These solutions can ensure faster turnaround, higher response rate, streamlined processing, customized templates and messaging, reduction of phone inquiries, and improved delivery accuracy among other benefits.

Save Money on Your Statement Printing and Mailing Costs

Outsourcing the printing and mailing of your monthly statements can reduce your overall cost by as much as 10% to 30%, depending on your needs. These savings can be redirected to the core services that distinguish your business from your competitors.

In addition to reducing your cost, outsourcing your statement printing and mailing can also increase your customer satisfaction, which is a huge asset for any business. Customers will trust you more and stay with you longer if they know their statements are sent out on time, correctly formatted and professional looking.

For these reasons, many banks and insurance companies have turned to a third party company for the handling of their statement printing and mailing. These firms are specialists in the field and can provide the quality of service that your clients deserve.




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